TSA makes me nervous

Barb SolemArt Retreat in the Desert, shipping, The Desert - 2022

You can ship your supplies ahead of time to the retreat!

Are You Worried About TSA or the hassle of checking your tools on the plane? TSA is usually pretty good about letting all of your items pass through their inspection if you have them packed in your checked luggage. If you’re worried about checking your beloved tools and torches on the airplane, maybe we can ease your mind a bit. … Read More

TSA makes me nervous

Barb SolemDreamers and Doers, shipping, Vivi Magoo LTD

You can ship your supplies ahead of time to the retreat!

Are You Worried About TSA or the hassle of checking your tools on the plane? TSA is usually pretty good about letting all of your items pass through their inspection if you have them packed in your checked luggage. If you’re worried about checking your beloved tools and torches on the airplane, maybe we can ease your mind a bit. … Read More

Need supplies? Want to ship them ahead?

Barb SolemDreamers and Doers, Vivi Magoo LTD

Question: Do we have a supply and tool list?  Where would I ship my boxes? Answer: The information about kit fees including a student supply list are located in the class descriptions on our website. Scroll down towards the bottom of the page, and you will find what you are looking for. You may choose to ship your things ahead of … Read More